GPS Density Map
GPS Mapping Plus Written Report
Global Positioning System (GPS) is used to mark the locations of all sighted juvenile, sub-adult, and adult alligators and crocodiles based on their respective Total Lengths (TL) in accordance with scientific standards and tracks of the surveyed area(s).
Customers are provided an easy to read Alligator/ Crocodile Population Density Survey Map indicating locations of sighted crocodilians, their maturity according to size, identified nest sites.
Any invasive species, such as pythons and iguanas, are also geotagged.
Accompanying the map will be an official written summary documenting kilometers (km) surveyed, said numbers of crocodilians encountered per km, a habitat viability assessment for self-sustainability and health of crocodilians, plus noted aggressive behavioral tendencies encountered.
The report will also include suggestive recommendations to increase safety and decrease possible conflicts with humans.
Please note: Vincent Rose’s accuracy on estimating TL was documented to to be within +/- 8 cm, consistently.
C. Chenot-Rose. (2013). American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) Population Survey in Ambergris Caye, Belize. Crocodile Specialist Group Newsletter 32(3): 12-15